GLSEN Freedom Fellowship
Who we are looking for:
The GLSEN Freedom Fellowship is intended for young adults 18 - 25. This fellowship is a unique opportunity to dive deep into local work, and explore opportunities that can make schools a safer place for LGBTQ2S+ students.
GLSEN's Chapter Network is comprised of over 40 chapters working to change their local K-12 education conditions to ensure LGBTQ2S+ youth are safe and supported.
What is GLSEN:
GLSEN has been championing LGBTQ+ issues in K-12 education since 1990. GLSEN works to ensure that LGBTQ+ students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment. Together we can transform our nation's schools into the safe and affirming environment all youth deserve.
What is the GLSEN Chapter Network:
Chapter include range of people from students, parents, educators, and many other local community members who have an interest in ensuring safe schools for all. All Chapters work within GLSEN’s mission, vision, and policy platform but no two Chapters have the same local conditions. Local programs can include, but are not limited to professional development for educators, GSA support and networking, student leadership development, community outreach, and local, state, and federal safe schools legislative advocacy.
Fellow Requirements:
- 18-25 years old
- Dedicated to the GLSEN mission
- Lived experience of being an LGBTQ+ student in United States education systems
Your Responsibilities:
Commit to upholding the vision, mission, and values of GLSEN
Serve for a term of 12 months from March 2024 – February 2025
Co-create and implement your workplan in collaboration with your Chapter and the Community Mobilization Team
Attend monthly Cohort meetings (virtual)
Attend Chapter meetings (determined by the chapter)
Attend in-person gatherings (dates on application)
Training & Support:
- Onboarding training to build cohort cohesion, train, and provide tools for the fellowship.
- Once a month training is provided to the fellowship cohort.
- One to one skill development
- Regional organizing experience
- Partnership development
- Program and presentation experience
Each fellow will be provided with a $20,000 stipend dispersed over 12 months.
Applications are open until February 2, 2024!